Case study: Fidelity App i Petali (RE) & Le Befane (RN)

For Network Propaganda, a communication agency in Ferrara, Synextya has created two native apps, using both the iOS and Android operating systems, for the shopping centers “Le Befane” in Rimini and “i Petali” in Reggio Emilia.

Using both apps, shopping center customers can manage their fidelity card and stay updated on active promotions, virtually.


The customer

The shopping centers I Petali (RE) & Le Befane (RN) are two of the main CC of the Emilia Romagna region that contain both local brand shops and international brands, as well as several restaurants and a theater.

The project was born in collaboration with H2m Studio s.r.l., the creators of the User experience and User interface, and the Ferrarese communication agency Network Propaganda.


The challenge

The challenge posed to Synextya was to create two native apps that would allow CC customers not only to monitor the points balance of their fidelity card, but also to be able to view the main hours and information of both centers, in addition to the list of stores present and active promotions at any time.

The solution

The two native apps created, for iOS and Android operating systems, integrate with the Daduù CRM in order to allow each shopping center to both manage its customer database and retain visitors to the shopping center through personalized offers and communications

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