LAM SpA, is a company active in the design, development and marketing of hatches, roller blinds, sunblinds, plastic parts using injection moulding and thermoforming technologies.

The objective, which involved all company areas participating in the production process, was to increase efficiency, productivity and competitive advantage of the company, implementing a process of integrating digital technology that the company already had.
Identified criticalities:
- Production flow consisting of many intra-area steps, some of which involve the exchange of paper information
- Limited knowledge of the tools available from corporate resources
- Internal procedures not shared and not very usable
- Presence of a series manual processesnot digitised
- Communication channels non-unique and fragmented

We started from a path of analysis, Digital Transformation Assessment, which allowed us to better understand the needs of the different areas in order to define the next steps and achieve the following objectives:
- Proposal of a leaner and more linear production flowwith digitisation of several steps
- Use of new collaborative tools infra-area
- Integration of existing digital tools
- Definition of a communication procedure single internal for the whole company
- Setting of standards for cloud management of company documentation

Initial Brief
Gathering information on the current functioning of the company and defining the objectives of the change process and steps to be followed.
Collective deepening
Sharing the management's intentions and the path to be taken.
Specific focus areas
Insight into the specific needs of each area and identification of processes in need of improvement or change.
Analysis processing
Based on the information gathered, the Synextya team of consultants studies the tailor-made solution to be proposed.
Final presentation
Explanation of the written documentation resulting from the analysis and sharing of recommendations and perspectives for improvement.
Digital Transformation Assessment
What it consists of and why it can benefit your company's productivity.